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FCF QB Jason Stewart Lit Football World on Fire, Smokes Joint After TD Pass

Jason Stewart or @QBStew as he is known in the @FCFlio, has just made history. He has made one of the biggest statements in the history of football and television, by bringing, and partaking in Marijuana on the field of play. He has since gone on a media tour to advocate for Medicinal benefits of marijuana. Meanwhile…he is still employed by the league.

Dare to Be Different?

Fan Controlled Football wants to stand out in the football world. If you watch one broadcast it is clear early and often, how much they dare to be different than the NFL product put forth year after year. However this past weekend truly showed just how different the league, and it’s players can be.

Jason Stewart’s Background

One of the men in this league with an incredibly interesting story is Jason Stewart. Stewart is a guy who attended Memphis for college, and competed with a guy by the name of Paxton Lynch. Lynch and Stewart then graduated the same year in 2016. Lynch went on to be drafted in the first round. Stewart went on to not play football…for six whole seasons.

That was until 2022 when the Fan Controlled Football League had an open tryout in his hometown of Atlanta Georgia. Stewart was able to stand apart despite his 6 year hiatus. His completion percentage may leave something to be desired but his td to int ratio does not.

Completing just under half of his passes, for 10 tds and 2 interceptions, Stewart has shown he belongs in the professional football world if he so chooses. He was in fact the man tasked with bringing stability to the quarterback position for the Zappers.

Part of the First Ever FCF Trade

With Johnny Manziel in and out of the lineup, and poor play from the others who have played for them, the Zappers got desperate. They traded away Terrell Owens and their 1st and 16th overall selections in that week’s draft for Jason Stewart and wideout Isaiah King. The Knights of Degen looking to improve their wide receiver group acquired Terrell Owens, and Jacoby Herring formerly of the Beasts. Last but not least the Beasts traded away Herring, and Stewart to receive Dentarrius Yon and two draft selections.

This left Jason Stewart as the starting quarterback for the Zappers. With Johnny Manziel’s availability in question, Stewart has been the go to guy. As mentioned above, Stewart has responded in a big way. You could say he has lit the world on fire….

Lighting the World on Fire

This past weekend Jason Stewart lit something else on fire, and with it sparked a whirlwind of publicity for the “All Fun League” as Qwan’Tez Stiggers once called it. Jason Stewart was caught by the camera of youtube sensation Deestroying lighting up a joint on the field to celebrate a first quarter touchdown pass.

You read that right. In 2022 a player was able to bring marijuana on the field, and smoke it in front of viewers on a live twitch stream in his jersey. The wild part is, that was the first touchdown of his day. He would go on to lead a 44 point explosion by the offense.

So that begs the question? Why did he do it? In a stunt that could have completely taken what opportunity he had to play football from him, he was trying to bring awareness to the medical benefits that Marijuana can provide to those that need it.

Addict or Advocate?

Medical marijuana is a topic that has been at the forefront of modern politics for over 20 years now. For as long as I can remember it has been discussed as a potential treatment for several ailments, as well as an alternative to opioid based pain medications which have been the direct cause of many addictions.

Opioids are a commonly used form of pain medications in the professional and college football world to address injury issues, something that Stewart has seen first-hand throughout his football career at the college and pro level.

Standing Apart From the Crowd

With all this being said, you might be asking what did the league do in retaliation to Jason for his actions? How about this:

The Fan Controlled Football League to this point has made no attempt to punish Stewart, and from the looks of it doesn’t appear prepared to do so down the line. Stewart is still currently in line to start for the Zappers headed into the final week of the season. Talk about setting yourself apart as a league.

Questions for the Future

My question is how does this get viewed long term? Do the fans start to support the “all fun league” more due to the freedom of expression these players have? Do we see more players pulling things like this midseason? Does the answer lie somewhere in between? All I know is I have the utmost respect for his actions to try and bring a medicine that SHOULD BE legal across the nation to the forefront of conversation.

It’s 2022, lets view marijuana for what it is at this point. A substance that does in fact save lives, treat terrible illnesses, and make people more comfortable when they are fighting terminal diseases. What harm comes from legalizing medicinal marijuana across the country? Last time I checked the tax revenue alone would serve as a boon to many state economies. But that’s a topic for another day, and another website.

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