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XFL News
/ 5 years agoXFL Potentially Offering Sideline Field Seating At XFL Games
Elevate Sports Ventures chief executive Al Guido spoke today at the VenuesNow Conference in New York. He revealed some innovative ways...
St Louis Battlehawks
/ 5 years agoXFL’s BattleHawks Logo Reveals the Letters STL Upsidedown
With the big XFL Team Name and Logos revealed two weeks ago. Fans were finally excited to have a team name,...
XFL News
/ 5 years agoXFL Fan Events Tonight, St. Louis BattleHawks & LA Wildcats
Now that the NFL is in full swing the XFL wants to meet football fans before tonights Monday Night Football game....
XFL News
/ 5 years agoXFL Adds Mali Friedman As VP of Legal and Business Affairs
The XFL sent out the following press release today. They announced the addition of Mali Friedman to their Legal team. She...
/ 5 years agoDaryl Johnston Is Not Fond Of The Idea Of Signing Johnny Manziel
If you like to spend your time on top sports betting sites and were hoping to see Johnny Manziel into XFL,...