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Who is Dr. Julian E. Bailes, MD? XFL’s Concussion Doctor

Dr. Julian E. Bailes, MD is a Founding Member Of The Brain Injury Research Institute and Professor & Chairman Of The Department Of Neurosurgery at West Virginia University School Of Medicine. Dr. Bailes is also a Recognized Leader in the field of Neurosurgery and both the short and long-term impact of brain injury on Cognitive function. He was hand picked by XFL CEO Oliver Luck to help with player safety.

Dr. Bailes Background

Dr. Bailes is also a native of Louisiana who received his Bachelor Of Science Degree from Louisiana State University and his Doctor Of Medicine Degree from The Louisiana State University School Of Medicine in New Orleans. He had his surgical internship at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Neurosurgical Residency at Northwestern University Medical Center in Chicago. He completed a Cerebrovascular Surgery Fellowship under the tutelage of Robert F. Spetzler at The Barrow Neurological Institute. From 1988 until 1997, he was an Associate Professor & Director Of Cerebrovascular Surgery at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. He was also The Director Of Neurosurgery at Celebration Health Hospital in Orlando, where he was also The Director Of Emergency Medical Services at both the city and county levels from 1998-2000.

West Virginia University

In 2000, Dr. Bailes assumed the position of Professor & Chairman Of The Department Of Neurosurgery at West Virginia University School Of Medicine in Morgantown. The department has experienced significant growth with nine faculty members and subspecialty expertise in all areas of neuroscience. The West Virginia University Hospital is the state’s only Level I Trauma Center responsible for the care of a wide range of neurological conditions and injuries. He is also The Co-Director of The WVU Gamma Knife Program. He is also involved with The Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at WVU, which is poised to make major advances in The Basic Science and Translational Application For Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Working With The NFL

Dr. Bailes has been actively involved with The Management Of Complex Cerebrovascular Disorders, especially Cerebral Aneurysms, and Carotid Artery Disease. Along with Robert F. Spetzler, he co-edited the book Microsurgical Carotid Endarterectomy. He also has a special interest in Neurological Athletic Injuries and has been a team physician for both The NFL’s Pittsburg Steelers’ Franchise and The Collegiate Football Level since 1988. Since 1992, he has been The Neurological Consultant to The NFL Players’ Association, which has sponsored his research on the effects of head injuries on professional athletes. He is also The Medical Director of The Center For Study of Retired Athletes, which is affiliated with The NFL Players’ Association and The University Of North Carolina.

Dr. Bailes’ other research interests have included studying the effects of hypothermia, shock and cardiac implications of intracerebral haemorrhage. Dr. Bailes also has special expertise in telemedicine and has been sought as a consultant for the development of telemedicine systems for both hospitals and medical practices. He has also had over 100 publications concerning various aspects of neurological surgery, including three books on neurological sports medicine and performs editorial duties for five journals.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

In 2002, in conjunction with Neuropathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu, a Medical Examiner in Pittsburgh at the time, Dr. Bailes helped to identify the first clinical evidence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) – a neurological disorder classified by cognitive deterioration with symptoms that can include mood swings, failure in executive functions, psychotic problems, memory disturbance, dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Bailes has been honored as one of the best U.S. Surgeons for eight consecutive years in U.S. News & World Report’s “America’s Best Doctors.” In his capacity as Co-Founder of The Brain Injury Research Institute, Dr. Bailes has conducted research that will help prevent and treat brain trauma and its long-lasting degenerative consequences.

Dr. Bailes And Sports

Sports has been a great interest of his for many years, having played Division I Collegiate Football. Dr. Bailes’ only hobby is the study of martial arts, in which he has participated for the last twenty years, earning his fourth degree Black Belt in 1996 in the art of Chinese Kenpo. He is married to the former Colleen Sobieralski and they have five children.

Having such an extensive background in the sports medicine industry, The XFL could really utilize someone like Dr. Julian Bailes. His history and education speaks for his experience as well as his expertise and it only proves and shows what he can do to help out the soon to be players of The XFL.

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